Tutorial Video Link: https://youtu.be/x6Yw-J0MTuE
This applies to all Antminers.
There are three ways to reset to factory settings:
1. Restore via "Reset" button
This method can be applied within 10 minutes when the miner boots.
After powering on the miner for 2 minutes, please press "Reset" button for 5 seconds, then release it. The miner will be restored factory settings within 4 minutes and automatically restart (no need to power off the miner).

2. Restore via software
Log in to your miner user interface, click Upgrade > Perform reset, then click “OK” on the pop up window.

NOTE: The miner will automatically revert to the factory default firmware.
This method is only applicable to the miner which with the SD card slot on the left of Ethernet interface.
Power off the miner, then hold down the IP Reporter and don’t release it. At the same time, power on the mine again. Releasing the IP Reporter after 5 seconds, the machine will automatically restore factory settings.
This method is not applicable to the miner which has a SD card on the right of the Ethernet interface.
After reset, the miner will be in it's original firmware. Reload the miner with the latest firmware.